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Keep Your Pool Filter Clean and Functional

Our goal at Ace's Pool Care is to ensure our customers in the Keller, TX area have a clean and healthy swimming pool to enjoy with family and friends. Pools are built with equipment and parts to maintain water at levels safe for swimming. From vacuuming and skimming out debris to correct chemical balancing, proper care is essential. Cleaning your pool’s filter is a critical step, and our team offers comprehensive services to handle this crucial task for you.

swimming pool motor machine

What’s Included in Filter Cleaning Services?

Your filter has a specified cleaning schedule designated by the manufacturer that should be followed. Keeping up with their recommendation and sticking to this schedule is imperative to reduce issues with the system. When you hire us for filter cleaning, you’ll get top-notch services that include:

  • Cleaning all parts of the filter
  • Disassembling the pool filter for visual inspection
  • Performing any required repairs
  • Reassembling the filter
  • Testing the system
checking and analyzing the pool

Benefits of Regular Pool Filter Cleaning

Have you thought about the importance of having your pool filter cleaned regularly? It’s an essential component to maintaining clear and healthy water, but it also increases efficiency and helps extend the life of the pool pump and filtration system. Vacuuming and skimming are great ways to remove visible dirt, leaves, and debris you see in the pool. However, the filter traps additional dirt, bugs, and smaller particles that get missed. With the filter having so much responsibility to keep the pool clean, who’s going to clean the filter? Our team will, so you don’t have to worry about it.

Committed to Safe and Clean Swimming Environments

While the pump is the heart of your pool, the filter acts as the lungs, keeping the pool filled with clean, filtered water. You can leave the filter cleaning and maintenance to the pros at Ace's Pool Care in Keller, TX and the surrounding area. We offer dedicated pool maintenance services that cover everything you need for the no-hassle enjoyment of your swimming pool. Contact us to learn more about scheduling your filter cleaning service today.

Your Local Pool Care Provider in Keller, TX and Surrounding Areas