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About Ace's Pool Care

The owners of Ace's Pool Care have a long history of serving homeowners throughout the Keller, TX area with trusted services and incredible customer service. Our sister company, Ace’s Appliance & Repair, has been the top choice for residents for more than 20 years. Customers can expect the same reliable and honest services when they call for pool cleaning and equipment maintenance. There’s no better peace of mind than calling a company with a name you can trust.

luxury swimming pool with chairs surrounds

How We’re Different

There are lots of options when it comes to weekly pool cleaning and maintenance. However, our locally owned and operated business is fully invested in the needs and success of our local community members. Not only do we need to ensure we deliver work and results to uphold the reputation of our pool maintenance business, but we know every potential pool client might require our appliance services. Our work on both sides of our business directly affects the success of the other, and we aim to be the number one option for property owners.

man repairing the pool

Cleaning and Maintaining Your Pool as Scheduled

We work with you to develop a program or service time that suits your schedule. The last thing you want when entertaining friends or neighbors at your pool is to have the cleaning crew show up. We respect your privacy and special requests. You can have confidence in our team to arrive when scheduled, perform detailed work, and leave your property neat and clean.

Our Services

Like mowing the lawn, some pool owners take pride and joy in maintaining their pool, but for most, it’s a chore they could do without. Even if you handle most of the cleaning or maintenance yourself, a one-time visit or equipment inspection can be beneficial if you’re out of town or when opening the pool at the beginning of the season. We’re available for various services, including:

Weekly scheduled pool service and cleaning
One-time pool cleanings
Equipment maintenance
Filter cleaning

We Are a Local Business You Can Trust

Our team is continually trained and educated on proper pool maintenance and modern equipment introduced into filter and pump systems. We proactively work to ensure we offer superior pool services that delight our customers and make pool ownership a stress-free and relaxing time. Hire a company you can trust to handle your pool maintenance duties by working with Ace's Pool Care in Keller, TX and the surrounding area. Contact us to learn more today.

Your Local Pool Care Provider in Keller, TX and Surrounding Areas